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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Polyvore's 'Ask Advice' :(

I'm really gutted that Polyvore has decided to shut down their Ask Advice forum. The forum allowed users to interact with each other, while giving and receiving (mostly) fashion advice. It was probably my favourite part of Polyvore :(

Polyvore has come to this decision "after realizing that [they] haven't been able to give that section of the site and its participants the attention or recognition they deserve.", read the full story on their blogpost.
In my opinion, the ask section was doing fine without recognition from Polyvore. The members ensured that everything went smoothly and that everyone had a good experience.

Hundreds of users disagree with Polyvore's decision (look at the comments on their blogpost) but it does not look like they will be changing their minds.

I hope that there will be a similar forum available to us one day but I'll really miss this one!

What are your thoughts on this and do you know of any substitutes for the advice forum?

1 comment:

  1. If you miss the ask section on polyvore.com you can ask for fashion advise here (on a friendly, free forum site) www.http://kstefanieeee.webs.com/
    Check it out to get brilliant advise and chat about fashion to your hearts content with people all over the world.
    I love it. Maybe you will too.
